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Phoenix Wellness Services LLC

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Presenter Information Form

APA Requirements

Please read the following statement and confirmed that you have reviewed/understand these APA requirements: 


APA Requirements:
Please be sure your presentation includes:
- Statements that describe the accuracy and utility of the materials presented.
- The empirical basis of such statements.
- The limitations of the content being taught.
- The severe and the most common risks.

Please ensure that your reference list meets APA’s requirements:
- Each program must include at least three current (e.g., within the last 10 years), relevant references, in APA-style citation.
- These references should reflect the specific content and level of evidence required to meet the selected or appropriate Standard D criterion.

APA Approval Standards and Criteria: Standard D


Objectives should be observable and measurable (click on link below to learn more about writing objectives (APA)).







Please include at least 3 objectives.


At the conclusion of the training, participants will be able to:

APA Objectives

Bio/Introductory Paragraph

Brief bio/introductory paragraph for presenter(s):

Presentation Needs

Will you need your presentation moderated by a member of our team? Specifically, this would include monitoring the chat and reading off questions, etc. If yes, additional information will be provided on how this will be managed.
Will you need to speak to a team member prior to your presentation for assistance with using Zoom?
Will you be using breakout rooms?
If you will be using breakout rooms, will you be setting up those rooms yourself or would you like assistance from our team?
Will you be using polls?

If you would like assistance with polls, please email the questions (with multiple choice options) to at least 48 hours prior to your presentation.

Presenter Agreement

Upload File
Upload File

Thank you for your submission!

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